Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Efrem Martin, Certified Paralegal Speaks out on UPL

Mr. Efrem Martin speaks out about the investigation pending against him.  I think it is important to carry his message in its entirety.  As I indicated in a previous post -- Shutting Mr. Martin down, takes away our rights! Here is his position in his own words:

"I am currently being investigated for Unauthorized Practice of Law (UPL) here in the State of Colorado. After 25yrs of being a certified paralegal and having the educational and professional background experience, an Immigration Attorney by the name of Bryon Large attorney registration number #38574 here in Colorado feels threatened by me and sent an email to the Office Of Attorney Regulation in Colorado stating that I am in violation of UPL, I am now their target. Now before I start this email remember that it was an attorney who reported me not a formal complaint filed by a citizen in Colorado that I have worked with in the past I want to make that perfectly clear. Professor I really don't care who you share this email with because I am going to fight this to the very end, even if I have to take it to the United States Supreme Court. I am a former United States Marine (USMC) I took an oath to defend and protect my country against all "Foreign and Domestic Enemies" and the American Bar Association is a domestic enemy.

I received my Paralegal Training from the United States Marine Corps (USMC) in 1984 and I helped defend the legal rights of every Marine not some and if the United States Marine Corps (USMC) had full confidence in me to handle the day to day legal affairs off all Marines from Officers, Generals to Enlisted Marines, I am sure that I am capable and qualified to work with Pro Se Litigants. Let me give you further understanding about me, I have worked professionally in the Criminal Justice System my entire career over 20yrs not just as a Paralegal. I have never been arrested or incarcerated in my 44yrs of living. I have a BA in Criminal Justice & Economics, I obtained my Paralegal Certification from the United States Marine Corps (USMC) in 1984, I have a very diversified background, I am more than just a paralegal. I am a former State of Colorado Juvenile Probation Officer, former Paralegal Supervisor, former Investigative Assistant working with White Collar Crime, former High School Teacher, former Restorative Justice Coordinator with Middle School Children, I worked for a Law Firm as a Document Clerk & Paralegal, I also worked for a Private Solo Bankruptcy Attorney, I am not a rookie or a first round draft choice out of paralegal school, I am a seasoned veteran but that does not mean anything to the American Bar Association. I have several problems with the American Bar Association and their continued unwillingness to address the real issues of Pro Se Litigants and the continued denial of fair and equal access to the Legal Services Industry. Professor Mongue you know as well as I do that the American Bar Association is not interested in providing access to justice for all people, I have worked in the Criminal Justice System far to long and have witnessed the atrocities not heard stories from other people but have witness through my own personal and professional experience in how to gain access to the Legal Services Industry is impossible for those people who are poor and have no economy of scale in their favor. I am not going to stand by and allow the American Bar Association or any other State Bar Association continue to support the hypocrisy that they say they are against for all people.

The American Bar Association controls all the Paralegal Organizations in this country and that is for one reason only to have full control and continue to monopolize their very existence and keep them fearful. As a Marine I learned that "FEAR" is the number one way to control people, if people are fearful of you then they won't challenge you. The American Bar Association has that fear in citizens and non-citizens in the United States of America, I see it and deal with it everyday. I will never join any of the Paralegal Organizations in America because they are not about the Freedom of Choice or the Freedom of Pro Se Litigants rights in this country. Paralegal organizations are a front and support all the decisions the Bar Associations give them and that is for one reason only. Paralegal organizations are "Fearful" of the repercussions that the Bar Associations will hand down to them. If I were a member of any Paralegal Organization right now they would abandon me and turn their backs on me, they would not support me in any manner and they would hand me directly over to the enemy The American Bar Association. The American Bar Association does not want to talk about Race, Class, Economics and Social Status regarding people of color and poor people who are severely underrepresented in the court systems in this country this is a dead silence issue for The American Bar Association. The American Bar Association does not support fair and equal access to justice for all people because this would mean that they would have to accept the reality of Race, Class, Economics and Social Status of all the citizens and non-citizens in this country. I am tired of having the American Bar and all the State Bar Associations tell me what I can and cannot do, it is interesting to me that when I took my oath of becoming a Marine to defend this country I don't remember it being that I would defend this county and the Constitution of the United States sometimes and for some of the citizens and non-citizens in this country, I put my life on the line so the American Bar and all State Bar Associations would preserve and support the choices, rights and freedoms of every citizen and non-citizen not some.

The hypocrisy lays within all the Bar Associations and it offends me as a human being first, Marine second that I must now after 25yrs of loyalty to this legal profession go to court and defend myself and my actions of helping all people who do not have access to the courts in this country because the American Bar and State Bar Associations are accusing me of "Betrayal" to every citizen in this country that has a Constitutional Right in which I helped defend them to have. I am offended on so many levels I don't even know where to began, this is not about me in anyway, shape or form this is about the Constitution of the United States and is about the Freedom of Choice that all people who live in the United States of America have the Constitution guarantees this. The Constitution is not a document that should ever be used against the American People it is what we live by and die by. I will fight the American Bar and any other Bar Association for the Freedom of Choice that Pro Se Litigants have, I will never be dictated to by any Bar Association who I can and cannot help. I became a Paralegal in the United States Marine Corps (USMC) in 1984, I received my Good Conduct Medal in 1987, I received my Honorable Discharge in 1988, I do not have to explain myself to any civilian who is a hypocrite and refuses to help all people access the court system in this country and who believes that I am beneath them. I became a Paralegal to help all people, regardless of race, class, economic status, religion, beliefs, sexual orientation but most of all, all human beings period!

The American people must abide by the laws of the land, the American Bar Association is not the Title Holder of the laws in this country, but for whatever reason they lost track of who they are, and have forgot that you work for the people in this country, the people don't work for you and ultimately you will be held accountable to the American people. The American Bar Association has a lock and monopoly on the Legal Services Industry, this is foul, unethical, immoral and shows their hypocrisy but more than anything else it goes against the Constitution that I put my life on the line for every citizen and non-citizen in this country. I don't need the validation of the American Bar Association or any other State Bar Association to tell me that Paralegals can only work for them and only work for Law Firms, or only work under the direction of an attorney that is a monopoly and hypocrisy. The American Bar Association cannot justify to me or the American people that have been priced out of the Legal Services Industry that they care about all people. In 25yrs of helping everyone who needed help in the Legal Services Industry I have never had a formal complaint filed on me or against me and the reason is because I am a human being first and treat and respect the freedom of choice that all citizens and non-citizens have. So to come after me and try and coerce me into saying that I have practiced law and have put myself out there as an attorney practicing law is a direct attack on my integrity and self worth. I will not allow the American Bar Association, The Office of Attorney Regulation in Colorado intimidate me and force me to give up my rights as the Constitution of the United States says that I have.

People are tired of the nonsense, unethical, immorality and non-empathy of attorneys. People are tired of being told that they must be represented by an attorney because Pro Se Litigants don't know what they are doing. Not everyone needs an attorney, not everyone is ignorant of the law, like the Bar Associations leads the American public to believe and think people are, not everyone wants to be in the presents of attorneys and this is called "Choice" the Freedom of Choice. The American Bar Association and all State Bar Associations cannot continue to hide behind State Statutes and then use those State Statutes to justify their monopoly and reluctance to help all people gain access to the court system and then turn against the American people. Attorneys can challenge me if they want, but they know that I am telling the truth because if I were not telling the truth, I would not be the subject of a UPL investigation. I am done do with this email you can do whatever you like with this email, I will not run and hide and put my tail between my legs and roll over for anyone when it comes to standing up and protecting the Freedom of Choice for all people in this country. I have children and if I am going to have them become decent human beings I must defend their Freedom of Choice or else they don't stand a chance. "

Efrem B. Martin BA, Certified Paralegal & Owner
Martin Paralegal Services LLC

1 comment:

  1. Mr. Martin you are so right. At least I can tell that you cant be bought out. We are pro se litigants in a consumer civil suit and a Civil Rights Complaint against Judge Wayne Mallia,attorney Steven Leyh,Midland Mortgage, MidFirst Bank, Barret Burke Wilson Castle Daffin Frappier and a few other defendants.Our 1st,5th,14th amendment was violated along with other deprivations.The judge allowed our attorney to sign an invalid Rule 11 agreement, allowed Mr. Leyh to file 2 false never before seen, unsigned, ambigious, unagreeable, illegal settlement agreements as evidense in their summary judment. We stated in open court that we never sign the unagreeable doc, that did not matter with the judge, for we were unrepresented in his court. So the judge signed The defendants order that we sign the illegal SA and accept the 40,000 that the defendants stated that we said we would accept. Well we ask for an evidentury hearing, no way. The invalid Rule 11 did not comply with Tex.R.Civ.P 11 or the Texas Staute of Fraud, the judge turned a deaf ear to our plea of Fraud Upon The Court and our 14th amendment rights were being deprived. A State Judge that deprives a pro se litigant of due process and equal protection under the law can be sued under 42 USC 1983 as a stae actor along with attorneys who conspire with that judge, it is called the "color of law" People's rights are being violated left and right in side of the court while the civil rights law are stamped on by the very judges that should be up holding these laws. We might as well burn the Constitution if you are poor,disabled, or pro se. But what do you expect when the system has the Wolfe's watching the hen house. Think about it, a judge making us sign an illegal SA, accept 40,000 when there is no signed contract or be held in contempt. We are both disabled, jail would not be proper, so what do you do? Well we've decided to keep fighting because "God" IS THE FINAL AUTHORITY". So Mr. Martin I'm glad that you are not a sell out, ther are not many like you, true to what is right and fair. The judicial system need more people like yourself. But hold on the tides will turn, just as they did with Pharaoh.
